Clarity and change start here with one conversation.
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Mentor Coaching/ Coach Supervision
Leadership Coaching
Personal Development Coaching
Signs you might need a coach
Confusion happens right before clarity. But you have to sit with it first.
Thinking the same thought over and over again means it needs to be addressed in a new way.
Judgement is actually a symptom of our own values, but you have to stop projecting it onto other people.
Trapped, Stuck, or Limited
Feeling trapped means you’re on to something so important to you that you can’t see beyond the four walls you’ve created.
Self-doubt is a natural fear response to doing something meaningful, but you can’t listen to it like it’s the truth.
On Edge, Defensive, or Threatened
Sometimes the best parts of us feel like they need defending, but you’ll only be satisfied when you let down your defenses.
Stop wandering through life in the dark.
Life, relationships, work, kids, money, thoughts, feelings. They’re all like complicated mazes you’re trying to navigate in the dark. It’s hard. It’s frustrating. It’s exhausting. You run into walls and dead ends and still feel lost after changing course many times. I’ve been there.
Turn on the light.
Coaching can change the way you follow your own inner guidance. In real time, every single day.
Your coach is a thought partner to help you observe and organize your inner experience and thinking. It’s a peek inside your head, heart and instincts, to see what’s really operating within you. And then, logically, to help you do more of what’s working and change what’s not.
Coaching done right feels like your coach was there to support you in figuring out what you want to figure out. I like to call this the “breakthrough moment.”
About that hesitation you’re feeling right now…
If you feel tentative about hiring a coach, that’s totally normal. Coaching is an investment in yourself; believing that something in you is worthy of time, energy, and money.
The doubt you feel reading that sentence very likely means you’re ready for coaching—it’s a sign that you’re on to something. A coach can help you sort through that.
What’s important is to take little steps: meet coaches who resonate with you, hear what they’re like, and find out how they see themselves fitting with you and your needs. Most coaches won’t give you a hard sell, so you’ve got to make the choice of your own volition.
If you take me on as your coach, we can shine a light on your path so you can navigate it with confidence.
It might sound funny but the thing Flame said to me that helped me the most was telling me that I didn’t have to be the smartest or best to live a successful life. It took the pressure off me to just be me and feel like I was worthy to make it happen. Then I did it!
Kelly G, Realtor

Why choose Coach Flame?
Coach Flame has been coaching since 2004. She has over 3,000 hours of experience making a difference in the lives of hundreds of clients.
Coach Flame is one of the only Master Certified Coaches in Nebraska, credentialed by the ICF.
Sessions via Zoom, phone call, or in person at her Bellevue, Nebraska office.
Coach Flame was the first (and only North American) coach to receive the ICF’s Young Leader Award in 2018.
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