Fundamentals with Flame
Coach Flame has studied the Enneagram since 1997 from many different teachers, so classes are a blend of many views and approaches. She has known and been close to someone of every Type on the Enneagram, so real-life examples are a rich part of the conversation.
What to expect from an Enneagram course
The course is formatted to intentionally leave a lot of time for you to ask questions and work through whatever is coming up for you. Coach Flame’s courses are designed to be a space of non-judgement and observation so that personal growth can occur.
No one type is better than another and the purpose is for you to discover the beauty and genius of every type.

From Coach Flame–
What it’s like to be my type: Type 1
At first, I studied the Enneagram so I could figure out the one right way to do things. I was sure that once I found it, I could finally relax! Well, that didn’t work. So, what did I do? I beat myself up about it. I mean, seriously was hard on myself and indulged in endless negative self-talk.
That’s how Ones roll—we have an inner critic that is harsher than most people can imagine. She is relentless and has a sharp eye for everything that needs to be fixed. Through studying the Enneagram, then coaching and, later, skilled integration therapy, I finally have come to a new place of self acceptance.
This is the integration point where Ones look more like Sevens. I now have a deep capacity to go with the flow and accept others exactly as they are. All that suffering from the past has taught me the true meaning of compassion and how to sit with others who are suffering. Now, my wisdom can shine through, rather than my self-criticism.
Let Coach Flame help you find the answer with an Enneagram Type Interview. She’ll use her 26 years as an Enneagram student and 19 years as a professional coach to help you see which Type describes your personality.